
Educational Trips

Every student comes to the classroom with a different world experience. We know that students who have been exposed to many different things do better in school. In order to be successful readers, students need to relate what they read to what they’ve experienced. To think broadly students need to have a variety of experiences

Sporting Activities

Sport develops a sense of friendliness among the children and develop their team spirit. It helps children to develop mental and physical toughness. Sport shapes their body and make it strong and active. Children should actively participate in sports to avoid being tired and lethargy.

Chess – Draught

The game of chess and draught helps young people learn to concentrate, think logically, overcome obstacles, spot patterns and categorize information. Scholastic chess provides a challenge for students while helping build confidence and self-esteem. It offers a combination of educational and social activity.

Computer Gaming

Studies have shown that esports provides many of the same benefits of grass sports, minus the physical exertion. There is teamwork, communication, strategy, and sportsmanship learned through participating in organized esports. For our players, the addition of a digital esports and gaming club can only help them further develop the cognitive understanding we currently pursue during their play on the grass.


These competitions and events enable students to learn and develop 21st-century skills efficiently and at a much faster pace. Various skills like creative problem solving, time management, teamwork, self-directed learning, computational thinking, working in teams and many more are easily learned through this. Thus, Robotic Competitions have made a positive impact on students


Drama is an important tool for preparing students to live and work in a world that is increasingly TEAM-ORIENTED rather than hierarchical. Drama also helps students develop TOLERANCE and EMPATHY. In addition to its intrinsic educational value, Drama can REINFORCE the rest of the school curriculum.